Chapter 6 - Trigonometric Functions - Lecture Notes

Introduction to Trigonometry

Angles and Their Measurements

Right Triangles

Sine and Cosine Functions

Sinusoidal Functions

Other Trigonometric Functions

Summaries of Trigonometry


Content to Trigonometry Project (Content of each Quadrant) 

Introduction to Trigonometry

The trigonometric functions can be viewed as either:

(a) Functions of angles and
(b) functions of real numbers.

This textbook will focus on the former. Trigonometric is used in physical science, engineering, computer science, biology
and almost all the sciences.

Here are some general properties and formulas associated with trigonometry.

These will be discussed in more detail in later sections of this text.

Angles and Their Measurements

There are two systems used to measure angles. The most common is the degree. There are 360 degrees in a circle or it takes
360 degrees to complete a revolution about the center of a circle.

The other system of measuring angles is the radian. There are  radians in a circle or it takes  radius to complete a revolution about a circle.
Relationship between Degrees and Radians

Convert Degrees to Radians

To convert degrees to radian multiply degrees by 

Conversion to Radian

Convert Radians to Degrees

To convert degrees to radian multiply degrees by 

Conversion to Degree

Traditionally portions of a degree can be measures with minutes and seconds. One minute is written as 1', i.e. 

One second is written as 1", i.e. 

Show that (a) 

(b)   and


See how to do conversions with calculator.
Length of a Circular Arc

In a circle of radius r, the length s of an arc that subtends a central angle of  radians is 

  (the angle must be in radian)

This is often used to measure large distances in space

Right Triangles

The properties of right triangles are often used to measure distances indirectly of the world around us.
Often its is physically impossible to measure these distances without trigonometry.

For the right triangle with a base angle of ,  the opposite (opp) side to the angle is often labeled a or y,
the adjacent (adj) side labeled b or x and the hypotenuse (hyp) c or r.

Here x represents the value of the x-coordinates of the triangle, y represents the value of the y-coordinate
and r represents the radius of the circle the length of the hypotenuse.
Pythagorean theorem:


The trigonometric functions are functions that relates the angles of a right triangle with that of the ratio of the sides of the triangles.
Trigonometric Ratios

See ratios of common Right Triangles:

Examples of Problems with Right Triangles

Sine and Cosine Functions

The trigonometric functions are typical of relationships of various attributes with respect to another usually time.
These functions are called periodic functions since they tend to cycle from a minimum to maximum values and visa versa.

Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions
Graph of y=sin(x)
Graph of y=cos(x)


The graphs of periodic functions consist of some standard parameters:

The midline or average or mean is the midpoint between the maximum and minimum value of the function and is often designated D.

The Amplitude is the absolute value of the maximum minus the midpoint of the function and designated A.
(The maximum and minimum of the function are related to the Range of the function)

The period of the function is the time it takes or angle required to define movement of the function from a maximum
to the next maximum or minimum to the next minimum of the function and is designated P.

The period, P is related to the frequency, B which is often stated in the formula of the periodic function.
For both the sine and cosine functions the relationship between P and B is:

The difference between the sine and cosine graph is that:

When t = 0 the sine function starts at the midpoint and

When t = 0 the cosine function starts at the maximum point of the graph

Sinusoidal Functions

Examples of Sinusoidal Function Problems
For the sinusoidal functions

|A| is the amplitude (maximum - midpoint)

y = D is the midline (maximum + minimum)/2

h is the horizontal shift

The period: 

|B| is the angular frequency or the number of cycles completed between 

Phase shift and horizontal shift.

The horizontal shift is the movement of the entire function horizontally from its expected position when t = 0 and is represented by h in y=sinB(t-h).

The phase shift is the fraction of a full period that the curve shifts and is represented by C in y=sin(Bt-C)

Other Trigonometric Functions

Formulas for Trigonometric Identities