Course Information – Precalculus, Spring 2005
Grades: There
is a total of 600 points in this course. Homework
counts 75 points, weekly workshops 75 points and 5 quizzes 100 points.
There will be an mid-term exam worth
150 points, and the final exam counts 200 points. The final exam is a
25-question common final exam.
A normalization process based on the common final
exam is
used to determine the number of each letter grade given in a
section The
Department of Mathematics decides on an A range, A- range, B+ range,
etc. for
the final exam. Each instructor then gives the same number of A’s A-‘ s , B+’s etc.,
that his section
earned on the final exam. The assignment of the letter grades is based
on a
student’s total score (a number between 0 and 600). For
example, if in a
particular section there are 8 A’s, 4 A-‘s , 3 B+’s,
etc., on the final, the 8 students with the highest total score receive
an A, the next 4 an A-, and so on.
Studying Guide: This
course requires at least 6 hours of work per week
outside of class. It is absolutely
essential that you read the textbook. There will be times when you will
have to
learn topics that will not be discussed formally in classroom. It is very important that you try all the
homework problems on your own. Collaborative work on the homework is
only after you have made a solid effort to do the problem individually.
person must write up his own work independently. Careful work on the
is the most important factor in your learning.