Common Inverse
of Typical Functions
This section present some common functions used in this course and their
inverses. Note that the graphs presented are examples that could vary in
some cases differently from what is shown. Therefore, get into the habit
of evaluating each problem on its own merit.
Table 8.2.3 An Example of a Linear Function
and its Inverse
Figure 8.2.3 Function

Figure 8.2.4 It Inverse

Table 8.2.4 An Example of a Exponential Function
and its Inverse
Table 8.2.5 An Example of a Logarithm Function
and its Inverse
Table 8.2.6 An Example of a Trigonometric Functions
and their Inverses
(remember to plot trigonometric functions in radian mode -
note the positions of the graphs when x = 0)