Logarithm Form y = log x or y = ln x
Exponential Form 10y =x, x> 0 or ey = x, x > 0, or bt = x, t > 0,
General Rule: y = log x <==> 10 y = x
II. Exponential Formula:
P(t) = P0
(1 + r )t , b > 0 and 1
r) growth rate, where r is the decimal represent of percent rate of change
P0 is the initial value of P(t) at t = 0
(1 + r ) > 1 gives exponential growth ---- increasing function
0 < (1 - r ) < 1 gives exponential decay --- decreasing function
III. Exponential Functions: P(t) = P0
r )t
r)t =
log (1
r)t = log (
t log (1
r) = log (
t = f(log x)
(1+r) is growth - increasing function
is decay - decreasing function
IV Logarithm Properties:
Common Logarithm
- to the base 10
y = log x , 10y = x, x > 0 1. log 1 = 0 and log 10 = 1 2. Exponential : log 10x = x, for all x 10log x = x, for x > 0 3. For positive values of a and b: log(ab) = log a + log b log (a/b) = log a - log b log bt = t log b |
Natural Logarithm
- to the base e ![]() y = ln x , ey = x, x > 0 1. ln 1 = 0 2. Exponential : ln ex = x, for all x elog x = x, for x > 0 3. For positive values of a and b: ln(ab) = ln a + ln b ln (a/b) = ln a - ln b ln bt = t ln b |
V. Continuous Growth Formula:
P(t) = P0 ert,
where P0 is the initial value, r is the decimal equivalence
of the percent rate of change,
and t is the time period
that the rate of growth / decay is applied.
When k > 0, P(t) is an increasing function, i.e. Continuous percent growth rate
When k < 0, P(t) is a decreasing function
VI. Converting Between P(t) = P0(1+r)t and P(t) = P0 e kt:
If (1+r) = e k, then ln (1+r) = ln (ek)
So k = ln(1+r)
VII. Compound Interest:
P($) = P0 (1+)n
t , where r is the rate, n is the number of times compounded annually,
P0 is the initial investment, and P(t) is the investment at time t in years.
VIII. Continuous Compounding:
P(t) = P0 er t, where r is the annual percent rate in decimal equivalence
IX. Effective annual percent rate:
Is the % rate equivalent to r, in
(1+r) after compounding:
= e r = (1+"r")
where "r"
is greater than the nominal rate (constant percent rate, r)