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Linear Models -Master
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The Air Traffic Controller's Problem

A Delta airline jet flying 300 mph passes over Sec Tac airport at 1:00pm, heading along a straight line course toward Roslyn, WA. Roslyn is located 65 miles East and 17 miles South of SeaTec. Also at 1:00 pm, an Alaska airline jet flying 400 mph passes over Port Angeles (PA), heading toward the UW along a straight line course pictured. PA is located 62 miles West and 52 miles North of SeaTac and the UW is 1.5 miles due North of SeaTac.

(a) Impose a coordinate system with SeaTac as the origin. Label the coordinates of Roslyn, PA, SeaTac and the UW in this coordinate system. (Use units of miles for each axes)

(b) Find the equation of the line modeling the path of the Delta jet and the Alaska jet.

(c) Where do the two flight paths cross? Find the coordinates and label in the picture.

(d) Is the Alska jet located East or West of UW the instant the Delta jet passes over Roslyn?

(e) Where is the Alska jet located when it is closest to Roslyn (find the coordinates)? What is this minimum distance?

(f) Where is the Alaska jet located (coordinates) when it is 88 miles from PA?

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