How the constant e is determined? Taylor series:

Given a positive integer n, recall that the notation n! = n(n-1)(n-2)... (3)(2)(1), which is called n factorial.
Most calculators will have a dedicated key for this calculation.
The nth Taylor polynomial  for the exponential function f(x) = ex is given by the formula:

(a) Write down the first six Taylor polynomial for the exponential function.

(b) Use a graphing device to plot each of the six functions.

(c) Use a. To approximate the value of the number e; compare with your calculator output.


n=0 T0 (f) = 
n=1 T1 (f) = 
n=2 T2 (f) = 
n=3 T3 (f) = 
n=4 T4 (f) = 
n=5 T5 (f) = 
n= big e

(b) plot of T0(f) to T5(f) (click image for larger graph)
Click for larger picture


Calculator (ex = 2.71828182845904523536028747135266..)