Reference to Selected Keys on Scientific and Graphing calculators
Ti Calculator Exercise
Keys or [FUNCTIONS] Purpose(s)
[=] or [ENTER] Gives the result of the current operation.
[yx] or [ab] or [ N ] Raise any base to a power. For Example, 45 = 1024
4 [yx] 5 = 1024
[EXP] of EE] Use to enter a number in scientific notation. For Example, 6.1 x 108
6.1 [EXP] 8
[] or [(-)] Changes the sign of the displayed number. Also use to enter a negative value. (This is not the substraction key.)
[1/x] or [x-1] Finds the reciprocal of a displayed number.
For Example, 
0.25 [1/x] = 4
[STO] or [STO->] Store a number in memory
For Example, Let w = 5
5 [STO->] [alpha] w
[alpha] w [Enter] => 5
[RCL] or [2nd] [STO>] or [INV][STO] Recalls a number stored in memory. May need to press [2nd] [STO]
w [RCL] => 5
[x2] Squares the displayed number.
For Example 2.1422
2.142 [x2] = 4.588164
[DEL] On a graphing calculator, deletes previously entered characters.
[x-VAR] or [x, r] or [x, r, ] or [x, r, , n] On a graphing calculator, use to write the variable x.
[y(x)=] or [y=] On a graphing calculator, use to enter equation(s) to be graphed.
For Example, y = 5 - 3x
[GRAPH] [F1: y(x)=] y1=5 - 3 [x-VAR]
[WIND] or [RANGE] or [WINDOW] Ona graphing calculator, use to set the viewing window to choose the part of the coordinate plane to be displayed.
Defaults are: xMin = -10, xMax = 10, xScl=1
                       ymin = -10, yMax = 10, yScl =1
[TRACE] On a graphing calculator, use to find the x- and y-coordinates of points on a curve.
[Graph] On a graphing calculator, use to graph a previously entered equation(s)
[2nd][TABLE] or [2nd][GRAPH] On a graphing calculator, use for a table of values relating to an entered equation. The table can be used to estimate an answer to a problem.
[OFF] or [2nd][OFF] Turns calculator off

maintained by professor@pindling.org
edited 9/21/2001